How can I get rid of a headache without taking drug?

How can I get rid of a headache without taking drug?
I have a headache but I hate swallowing pills and have no other alternatives at this moment (like chewable pills, etc).

Is there any way that I can get rid of my headache without taking drug?

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by degil_omictin
try massage….. it doesn’t involve medication.

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How do I get rid of a headache without taking any medication?

How do I get rid of a headache without taking any medication?
I have a headache and want it gone! Any suggestions?

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by ryan5439
caffeine – it comes with stong headache medicine.

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How do you get rid of a headache without taking pills?

How do you get rid of a headache without taking pills?
I have a headache to where every time i move my head suddenly, it hurts. How do i get rid of this headache without taking pills?

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by Jumbo S
try sleeping or using Head On. it works for some people 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!